Engineering and
technologies on its boom in the present century aims in achieving the “perfect
life” and perfect living conditions. While tackling various problems around the
head, more& more barriers comes forward with its tightened fists.
“Hats off” to those
scientists who fight amidst of these challenging conditions. But to what extend
are they successful in tackling these problems.
The paper is
about those challenges faced in various sub fields of engineering and certain
suggestions which would help in reducing the impacts offered by the challenges.
As a source of energy, nothing matches
the sun. It out-powers anything that human technology could ever produce. Only
a small fraction of the sun’s power output strikes the Earth, but even that
provides 10,000 times as much as all the commercial energy that humans use on
the planet.
Why solar energy
Already, the sun’s contribution to
human energy needs is substantial — worldwide, solar electricity generation is
a growing, multibillion dollar industry. But solar’s share of the total energy
market remains rather small, well below 1 percent of total energy consumption,
compared with roughly 85 percent from oil, natural gas, and coal.
Those fossil fuels cannot remain the
dominant sources of energy forever. Whatever the precise timetable for their
depletion, oil and gas supplies will not keep up with growing energy demands.
Coal is available in abundance, but its use exacerbates air and water pollution
problems, and coal contributes even more substantially than the other fossil
fuels to the build-up of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.
For a long-term, sustainable energy
source, solar power offers an attractive alternative. Its availability far
exceeds any conceivable future energy demands. It is environmentally clean, and
its energy is transmitted from the sun to the Earth free of charge. But
exploiting the sun’s power is not without challenges. Overcoming the barriers
to widespread solar power generation will require engineering innovations in
several arenas — for capturing the sun’s energy, converting it to useful forms,
and storing it for use when the sun itself is obscured.
Many of the technologies to address
these issues are already in hand. Dishes can concentrate the sun’s rays to heat
fluids that drive engines and produce power, a possible approach to solar
electricity generation. Another popular avenue is direct production of electric
current from captured sunlight, which has long been possible with solar
photovoltaic cells.
How effective is the solar energy?
But today’s commercial solar cells,
most often made from silicon, typically convert sunlight into electricity with
an efficiency of only 10 percent to 20 percent, although some test cells do a
little better. Given their manufacturing costs, modules of today’s cells
incorporated in the power grid would produce electricity at a cost roughly 3 to
6 times higher than current prices, or 18-30 cents per kilowatt hour [Solar
Energy Technologies Program]. To make solar economically competitive, engineers
must find ways to improve the efficiency of the cells and to lower their
manufacturing costs.
Prospects for improving solar
efficiency are promising. Current standard cells have a theoretical maximum
efficiency of 31 percent because of the electronic properties of the silicon
material. But new materials, arranged in novel ways, can evade that limit, with
some multilayer cells reaching 34 percent efficiency. Experimental cells have
exceeded 40 percent efficiency.
Other new materials for solar cells
may help reduce fabrication costs. “This area is where breakthroughs in the
science and technology of solar cell materials can give the greatest impact on
the cost and widespread implementation of solar electricity,” Caltech chemist
Nathan Lewis writes in Science
A key issue is material purity.
Current solar cell designs require high-purity, and therefore expensive,
materials, because impurities block the flow of electric charge. That problem
would be diminished if charges had to travel only a short distance, through a
thin layer of material. But thin layers would not absorb as much sunlight to
begin with.
The growth in emissions of carbon
dioxide, implicated as a prime contributor to global warming, is a problem that
can no longer be swept under the rug. But perhaps it can be buried deep
underground or beneath the ocean.
1) Why is carbon
dioxide (CO2) a problem?
In pre-industrial times, every million
molecules of air contained about 280 molecules of carbon dioxide. Today that
proportion exceeds 380 molecules per million, and it continues to climb.
Evidence is mounting that carbon dioxide’s heat-trapping power has already
started to boost average global temperatures. If carbon dioxide levels continue
upward, further warming could have dire consequences, resulting from rising sea
levels, agriculture disruptions, and stronger storms (e.g. hurricanes) striking
more often.
Advanced methods for generating power
from coal might also provide opportunities for capturing carbon dioxide. In
coal-gasification units, an emerging technology, coal is burned to produce a
synthetic gas, typically containing hydrogen and carbon monoxide. Adding steam,
along with a catalyst, to the synthetic gas converts the carbon monoxide into
additional hydrogen and carbon dioxide that can be filtered out of the
system. The hydrogen can be used in a gas turbine (similar to a jet
engine) to produce electric power.
2) How do you
store CO2?
Several underground possibilities have
been investigated. Logical places include old gas and oil fields. Storage in
depleted oil fields, for example, offers an important economic advantage — the
carbon dioxide interacts with the remaining oil to make it easier to remove.
Some fields already make use of carbon dioxide to enhance the recovery of
hard-to-get oil. Injecting carbon dioxide dislodges oil trapped in the pores of
underground rock, and carbon dioxide’s presence reduces the friction impeding
the flow of oil through the rock to wells.
Depleted oil and gas fields do not,
however, have the capacity to store the amounts of carbon dioxide that
eventually will need to be sequestered. By some estimates, the world will need
reservoirs capable of containing a trillion tons of carbon dioxide by the end
of the century. That amount could possibly be accommodated by sedimentary rock
formations with pores containing salty water (brine).
Sedimentary rocks that contain brine
are abundantly available, but the concern remains whether they will be secure
enough to store carbon dioxide for centuries or millennia. Faults or
fissures in overlying rock might allow carbon dioxide to slowly escape, so it
will be an engineering challenge to choose, design, and monitor such storage
sites carefully.
Concerns about leaks suggest to some
experts that the best strategy might be literally deep-sixing carbon dioxide,
by injecting it into sediments beneath the ocean floor. High pressure from
above would keep the carbon dioxide in the sediments and out of the ocean
itself. It might cost more to implement than other methods, but it would be
free from worries about leaks. And in the case of some coastal sites of carbon
dioxide production, ocean sequestration might be a more attractive strategy
than transporting it to far-off sedimentary basins.
There are several
sustainability-related challenges associated with the traditional management of
materials. These include:
and Providing Environmentally Preferable Purchasing
1.1) Durability -Disposable
products and packaging squander valuable resources by creating a cycle of rapid
production and consumption, resulting in the expansion of landfills. Products
that can be cleaned, refilled, recharged, and reused can reduce waste and
deliver cost savings over their lifespan.
1.2) Recycled
Content - Products created from existing (recycled)
materials typically require less energy and water than those made from virgin
materials. When recyclables become the raw materials of industry, they
reduce mineral and petroleum extraction as well as the harvest of timber.
Recycling also stimulates economic growth, creating approximately five times as
many jobs as landfills.
1.3) Reduced
Toxicity - Human health and safety are primary concerns
when dealing with highly toxic, carcinogenic, and flammable products. Exposure
can cause skin irritation, respiratory problems, or allergic reactions. Such
products incur greater end-of-life costs because of the increased environmental
risks and resulting remediation requirements.
1.4) Energy
Efficiency - Energy production is a huge drain on natural
resources and one of the largest contributors to climate change. All energy
inputs associated with raw material extraction, manufacturing processes,
transportation, operation and product disposal should be evaluated and
minimized through lifecycle analysis. Saving energy also means saving money -
lighting retrofits alone can reduce energy bills by 33 percent.
1.5) Water
Efficiency - The amount of water required to extract,
clean, and process raw materials is typically greater than the amount necessary
for recycled materials. Water conservation is expected to be vital by the year
2025, when an estimated 40 percent of the world will live in water-scarce
Traditional Recyclables
Household Hazardous Waste (HHW)
Organic Materials
2.4) E waste and appliances
3) Recycling
Market Development - As the demand for eco-friendly
materials rises, so does the opportunity for business expansion and conception.
Profitable ventures like curb side recycling, which grew 500 percent in the
last five years, are capitalizing on the by-products of material reuse. The
need grows for businesses that can collect and process municipal waste, broker
the sale of recycled materials, and manufacture and market goods for reuse.
Government and consumer investment in recycled goods must be encouraged in
order to continue market advancement and environmental benefit.
Engineers can help restore balance to the nitrogen cycle with better fertilization technologies and by capturing and recycling waste.
It doesn’t offer as catchy a label as
“global warming,” but human-induced changes in the global nitrogen cycle pose
engineering challenges just as critical as coping with the environmental
consequences of burning fossil fuels for energy.
1) Why is the
nitrogen cycle important?
The nitrogen cycle reflects a more
intimate side of energy needs, via its central role in the production of food.
It is one of the places where the chemistry of the Earth and life come
together, as plants extract nitrogen from their environment, including the air,
to make food. Controlling the impact of agriculture on the global cycle of
nitrogen is a growing challenge for sustainable development.
Nitrogen is an essential component of
amino acids (the building blocks of proteins) and of nucleotides (the building
blocks of DNA), and consequently is needed by all living things. Fortunately,
the planet’s supply of nitrogen is inexhaustible — it is the main element in
the air, making up nearly four-fifths of the atmosphere in the form of nitrogen
molecules, each composed of two nitrogen atoms. Unfortunately, that nitrogen is
not readily available for use by living organisms, as the molecules do not
easily enter into chemical reactions. In nature, breaking up nitrogen requires
energy on the scale of lightning strikes, or the specialized chemical abilities
of certain types of microbes.
2) What is wrong
with the nitrogen cycle now?
Until recent times, nitrogen fixation
by microorganisms (with an additional small amount from lightning strikes) was
the only way in which nitrogen made its way from the environment into living
organisms. Human production of additional nitrogen nutrients, however, has
now disrupted the natural nitrogen cycle, with fertilizer accounting for more
than half of the annual amount of nitrogen fixation attributed to human
activity. Another large contribution comes from planting legumes, including
soybeans and alfalfa, which are attractive hosts for nitrogen-fixing microbes
and therefore enrich the soil where they grow. A third contributor is nitrogen
oxide formed during burning of fuels, where the air becomes so hot that the
nitrogen molecule breaks apart.
3) What can engineering
and technology do?
Maintaining a sustainable food supply
in the future without excessive environmental degradation will require clever
methods for remediating the human disruption of the nitrogen cycle. Over
the past four decades, food production has been able to keep pace with human
population growth thanks to the development of new high-yielding crop varieties
optimally grown with the help of fertilizers.
Engineering strategies to increase
denitrification could help reduce the excess accumulation of fixed nitrogen,
but the challenge is to create nitrogen molecules – not nitrous oxide, N2O,
the greenhouse gas. Similarly, technological approaches should be improved to
help further control the release of nitrogen oxides produced in
high-temperature burning of fuels. A major need for engineering innovation will
be in improving the efficiency of various human activities related to nitrogen,
from making fertilizer to recycling food wastes. Currently, less than half of
the fixed nitrogen generated by farming practices actually ends up in harvested
For instance, technological methods
for applying fertilizer more efficiently could ensure that a higher percentage
of the fertilizer ends up in the plants as organic nitrogen. Other innovations
could help reduce runoff, leaching, and erosion, which carry much of the
nitrogen fertilizer away from the plants and into groundwater and surface
water. Still other innovations could focus on reducing the gas emissions
from soils and water systems.
The need for technologies to prevent and respond to a nuclear attack is growing.
The need for technologies to prevent and respond to a nuclear attack is growing.
before 2001, defenders of national security worried about the possible
immediate death of 300,000 people and the loss of thousands of square miles of
land to productive use through an act of terror.
the beginnings of the nuclear age, the materials suitable for making a weapon
have been accumulating around the world. Even some actual bombs may not be
adequately secure against theft or sale in certain countries. Nuclear reactors
for research or power are scattered about the globe, capable of producing the
raw material for nuclear devices. And the instructions for building explosive
devices from such materials have been widely published, suggesting that access
to the ingredients would make a bomb a realistic possibility.
the main obstacle to a terrorist planning a nuclear nightmare would be
acquiring fissile material — plutonium or highly enriched uranium capable of
rapid nuclear fission. Nearly 2 million kilograms of each have already
been produced and exist in the world today. It takes less than ten
kilograms of plutonium, or a few tens of kilograms of highly enriched uranium,
to build a bomb.
1) What are the challenges to preventing nuclear terror
include: (1) how to secure the materials; (2) how to detect, especially at a
distance; (3) how to render a potential device harmless; (4) emergency
response, cleanup, and public communication after a nuclear explosion; and (5)
determining who did it. All of these have engineering components; some are
purely technical and others are systems challenges.
of the technical issues are informational — it is essential to have a sound
system for keeping track of weapons and nuclear materials known to exist, in
order to protect against their theft or purchase on the black market by terrorists.
possible danger is that sophisticated terrorists could buy the innards of a
dismantled bomb, or fuel from a nuclear power plant, and build a homemade
explosive device. It is conceivable that such a device would produce
considerable damage, with explosive power perhaps a tenth of the bomb that
destroyed Hiroshima.
2) What are the possible engineering or technological solutions?
possible engineering or technological solution would be the development of a
passive device, situated near a reactor, which could transmit real-time data on
the reactor’s contents, betraying any removal of plutonium. (This sort of
device would be especially useful if it could also detect signs that the
reactor was being operated in a way to maximize plutonium production rather
than power.) Such devices are already being designed and tested.
True virtual reality creates the illusion of actually being in a difference space. It can be used for training, treatment, and communication. To most people, virtual reality consists mainly of clever illusions for enhancing computer video games or thickening the plot of science fiction films.
True virtual reality creates the illusion of actually being in a difference space. It can be used for training, treatment, and communication. To most people, virtual reality consists mainly of clever illusions for enhancing computer video games or thickening the plot of science fiction films.
within many specialized fields, from psychiatry to education, virtual reality
is becoming a powerful new tool for training practitioners and treating
patients, in addition to its growing use in various forms of
entertainment. Virtual reality is already being used in industrial design,
for example. Engineers are creating entire cars and airplanes "virtually"
in order to test design principles, ergonomics, safety schemes, access for
maintenance, and more.
1) What are the practical applications of virtual reality?
reality offers a large array of potential uses. Already it has been enlisted to
treat people suffering from certain phobias. Exposing people who are afraid of
heights to virtual cliff edges has been shown to reduce that fear, in a manner
much safer than walking along real cliffs. Similar success has been achieved
treating fear of spiders.
2) What technological advances are needed?
virtual reality systems to fully simulate reality effectively, several
engineering hurdles must be overcome. The resolution of the video display must
be high enough, with fast enough refresh and update rates, for scenes to look
like and change like they do in real life. The field of view must be wide
enough and the lighting and shadows must be realistic enough to maintain the
illusion of a real scene. And for serious simulations, reproducing sensations
of sound, touch, and motion are especially critical.
advances have been made on all of these fronts, virtual reality still falls
short of some of its more ambitious depictions. Fine-grained details of the
virtual environment are impossible to reproduce precisely. In particular,
placing realistic “virtual people” in the scene to interact with the user poses
a formidable challenge.
of a virtual human that can purposefully interact with a real person — for
example, through speech recognition, the generation of meaningful sentences,
facial expression, emotion, skin colour and tone, and muscle and joint
movements — is still beyond the capabilities of real-time computer graphics and
artificial intelligence,” write neuroscientist Maria V. Sanchez-Vives and computer scientist
Mel Slater.
Technologies once found out, & if kept
unrevealed there will be no output for the effort taken. Newly emerging
technologies should be given well exposure to the world population and should
be brought into use to the max commonest extend; then it can be listed as an
effective technological advancement.
a major share of new emerging technological advancements is a far concept or
information about it is not even accessible to a major stratum of the world
emerging technologies are nowadays trade secrets of many MNCs and is most
probably not shared with other companies or not even shared with the coming up
generation. The young generation is not effectively exposed to the major
emerging technological advancements, due to ineffective media influence in the
younger generation.
1) Causes of ineffective exchange of
emerging technologies are being patented by MNCs, and thus info about the
technology is not published.
on Internet is not published in most common websites, if
done so common people would also be able
to get info about it
secret just get stagnant in a very few
hands or very low stratum of world population
of the technical syllabuses do not include the recent improvements or
developments in technological fields.
of great expense are not affordable by most of the firms or companies and hence
do not get in common use.
small amount of technical experts are taking initiative to conduct
technological symposiums, seminars, or group discussions so that students will
be able to take part in it and would get an exposure to the recent developments
and updates.
to man’s enormous and unending needs the world and technologies are at its full
throttle. The life has become a race for betterment of the life. Look around
and see that the Life is totally different from the olden days. With the
advancement of technologies and new discoveries even old theorems and postulates,
once by hearted is been altered or changed completely. Even though the
technologies have grown much farther; truth is that the major strata of of the
world population are either unaware or unexposed to these advancements, due to
the communication inadequacy. This points out to another great challenge to the
technologists and the whole technological field.........